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Timber is the ‘ultimate renewable’ for Victorian construction

New Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) research shows increasing timber use in construction will significantly cut carbon emissions in the building and construction sector, CEO of the Victorian Forest Products Association (VFPA) Deb Kerr said today.

The CEFC’s Australian buildings and infrastructure: Opportunities for cutting embodied carbon report shows that using more engineered timber in new office and mixed-use buildings reduces the amount of embodied carbon by up to 75 per cent.

“This CEFC report reinforces that Australia can do more to reduce its carbon emissions in construction and should build more medium and high-rise buildings from engineered timber,” Ms Kerr said.

“In some cases, it’s possible to replace up to 60 per cent of steel with engineered timber in new buildings. It’s an exciting analysis that points to the need for greater supply,” Ms Kerr said.

“The Victorian Governments should recognise the benefits of our timber and provide policies that incentivise greener buildings.

“The report’s findings underscore the urgent need for Victoria to grow our timber plantation estate to ensure that we have enough wood to meet our future housing and building needs,” Ms Kerr concluded.

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Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash



PDF version available here.


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