
Herald Sun article: New AI bushfire cameras can spot blazes within moments, set to be game changers for fire season

Herald Sun article

New AI bushfire cameras can spot blazes within moments, set to be game changers for fire season

Cutting-edge cameras that use artificial intelligence to spot bushfires are helping authorities fight blazes and could soon be rolled out across the state helping authorities to spot blazes within moments.

Seven cameras deployed in pine and hardwood plantation in the state’s west have helped spot dozens of fires on private and public property, and in some cases have spotted blazes up to six minutes before humans, meaning they are a game changer when it comes to putting out fires before they get out of control.

Images from the network of cameras, which operate 24/7 and can see blazes up to 20km away, are analysed by artificial intelligence, which then alert authorities.

CEO of Victorian Forest Products Association, Andrew White says the cameras have already helped spot scores of fires in remote areas which could have turned into huge infernos.

Read the Full Article here.

PDF of article: Herald Sun – AI mate, that looks like a fire



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