

At a time when so many Melburnians are desperately seeking timber for homebuilding and renovations, the Victorian Government has finally moved forward on a vitally needed review that will ensure Victoria’s sustainable native forestry is managed to world best standards.

Today’s release of the Code of Practice for Timber Production (the Code) for public consultation is an opportunity for the Victorian Government to fix the Code and put an end to green litigation in Victoria that has held up supplies of native timber.

“In 2014, amendments to the code opened the flood gate to a deluge of green litigation,” said Ms Deb Kerr, CEO of the Victorian Forest Products Association.
“Since then, native forestry in Victoria has been tied up with litigation including injunctions that prevents the harvest of timber in hundreds of forestry coups and placed tremendous pressure on timber supplies,” Ms Kerr said.

“And it doesn’t stop there, complaints to the Office of Conservation Regulator are either unfounded or are a small number of technical findings unrelated to endangered species protection,” Ms Kerr said.
“The Victorian forestry industry expects the amendments to the Code to resolve the perverse policy outcomes that has held the Victorian native forest industry to ransom,” Ms Kerr said.

VFPA represents forest growers, harvesters, and manufacturers of timber and paper products.

“VFPA will closely review the proposed changes to ensure that these do not have a negative impact on the plantation sector or private farm forestry,” said Ms Kerr.
“At a time when there is significant pressure on the supply of timber for housing construction, it is time this green litigation madness ends and to this end, VFPA welcomes the release of the Code amendments for consultation,” said Ms Kerr.

The original medial release is here: 210701_VFPA_Media_Release_-_CODE_REVIEW_TO_HELP_GET_TIMBER_SUPPLIES_TO_MELBOURNE_HOMEOWNERS


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